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2020-09-17 来源:迁移
序号 论文名称 第一作者/通信作者        刊物名称 年:卷(期) 起止页码 影响因子
1 Fluoxetine induces lipid metabolism abnormalities by acting on the liver in patients and mice with depression 潘淑娟(第一作者) Acta pharmacologica Sinica 2018:39(9) 1463-1472 1.59
2 Glioma targeting peptide modified apoferritin nanocage 张立刚(并列第一作者) Drug delivery 2018:25(1) 1013-1024 3.095
3 Obesity, altered oxidative stress, and clinical correlates in chronic schizophrenia patients 安会梅(第一作者) Translational psychiatry 2018:8(1) 258 4.691
4 Serum NCAM levels and cognitive deficits in first episode schizophrenia patients versus health controls 安会梅(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) Schizophrenia research 2018:192 457-458 3.96
5 More dampened monocytic Toll-like receptor 4 response to lipopolysaccharide and its association with cognitive function in Chinese Han first-episode patients with schizophrenia 陈松(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) Schizophrenia research 2018:192 10.1016/j.schres.2018.11.001 3.96
6 Resting-state Brain Activity Changes Associated with Tardive Dyskinesia in Patients with Schizophrenia: Fractional Amplitude of Low-frequency Fluctuation Decreased in the Occipital Lobe 张苹(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) Neuroscience 2018:385 237-245 3.382
7 Tumor necrosis factor-alpha -1031T/C polymorphism is associated with cognitive deficits in chronic schizophrenia patients versus healthy controls 修梅红(第一作者) Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 2018:177(4) 379-387 3.016
8 Interleukin-3, symptoms and cognitive deficits in first-episode drug-naïve and chronic medicated schizophrenia 修梅红 陈松(并列第一作者) Psychiatry research 2018:263 147-153 2.223
9 Prevalence, risk factors and clinical characteristics of osteoporosis in Chinese inpatients with schizophrenia. 崔静怡(第一作者)张向阳(通讯作者) Schizophrenia research 2018:195 488-494 3.958
10 Sex differences of hippocampal structure in bipolar disorder 石晶(第一作者)王志仁 谭淑平(通讯作者) Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging 2018:273 35-41 2.46
11 Four-Subtest Index-based Short Form of WAIS-IV: Psychometric Properties and Clinical Utility 范宏振(第一作者)邹义壮(通讯作者) Archives of clinical neuropsychology 2018 10.1093/arclin/acy016 1.59
12 Suicidal behaviour among children and adolescents in China 安静(并列第一作者) Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2018:2(8) 551-553
13 Prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses in individuals who die by suicide or attempt suicide in China based on independent structured diagnostic interviews with different informants 童永胜(第一作者) Journal of Psychiatric Research 2018:98 30-38 4
14 Prevalence and clinical-demographic correlates of hyperhomocysteinemia in inpatients with bipolar disorder in a Han Chinese population 周双桨 张立刚(并列第一作者)王绍礼 陈景旭(通讯作者) Psychiatry Research 2018:256 354-359 2.223
15 Quantitative DNA Methylation Analysis of DLGAP2 Gene using Pyrosequencing in Schizophrenia with Tardive Dyskinesia: A Linear Mixed Model Approach 李艳丽(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) Scientific Reports 2018:8(1) 17466 4.122
16 Risk factors for amyloid positivity in older people reporting significant memory concern 张向阳(通讯作者) Comprehensive psychiatry 2018:80 126-131 2.128
17 Decreased Gray Matter Volume
of Cuneus and Lingual Gyrus in
Schizophrenia Patients with Tardive
Dyskinesia is Associated with
Abnormal Involuntary Movement
于婷 李艳丽(并列第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) scientific reports 2018:8(1) 12884 4.1
18 Association between hyperuricemia and
metabolic syndrome in patients suffering
from bipolar disorder
陈景旭 陈红梅(并列第一作者)杨甫德(通讯作者) BMC Psychiatry 2018:18(1) 390 2.419

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