序号 | 论文名称 | 第一作者/通信作者 | 刊物名称 | 年:卷(期) | 起止页码 | 影响因子 |
1 | Fluoxetine induces lipid metabolism abnormalities by acting on the liver in patients and mice with depression | 潘淑娟(第一作者) | Acta pharmacologica Sinica | 2018:39(9) | 1463-1472 | 1.59 |
2 | Glioma targeting peptide modified apoferritin nanocage | 张立刚(并列第一作者) | Drug delivery | 2018:25(1) | 1013-1024 | 3.095 |
3 | Obesity, altered oxidative stress, and clinical correlates in chronic schizophrenia patients | 安会梅(第一作者) | Translational psychiatry | 2018:8(1) | 258 | 4.691 |
4 | Serum NCAM levels and cognitive deficits in first episode schizophrenia patients versus health controls | 安会梅(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) | Schizophrenia research | 2018:192 | 457-458 | 3.96 |
5 | More dampened monocytic Toll-like receptor 4 response to lipopolysaccharide and its association with cognitive function in Chinese Han first-episode patients with schizophrenia | 陈松(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) | Schizophrenia research | 2018:192 | 10.1016/j.schres.2018.11.001 | 3.96 |
6 | Resting-state Brain Activity Changes Associated with Tardive Dyskinesia in Patients with Schizophrenia: Fractional Amplitude of Low-frequency Fluctuation Decreased in the Occipital Lobe | 张苹(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) | Neuroscience | 2018:385 | 237-245 | 3.382 |
7 | Tumor necrosis factor-alpha -1031T/C polymorphism is associated with cognitive deficits in chronic schizophrenia patients versus healthy controls | 修梅红(第一作者) | Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet | 2018:177(4) | 379-387 | 3.016 |
8 | Interleukin-3, symptoms and cognitive deficits in first-episode drug-naïve and chronic medicated schizophrenia | 修梅红 陈松(并列第一作者) | Psychiatry research | 2018:263 | 147-153 | 2.223 |
9 | Prevalence, risk factors and clinical characteristics of osteoporosis in Chinese inpatients with schizophrenia. | 崔静怡(第一作者)张向阳(通讯作者) | Schizophrenia research | 2018:195 | 488-494 | 3.958 |
10 | Sex differences of hippocampal structure in bipolar disorder | 石晶(第一作者)王志仁 谭淑平(通讯作者) | Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging | 2018:273 | 35-41 | 2.46 |
11 | Four-Subtest Index-based Short Form of WAIS-IV: Psychometric Properties and Clinical Utility | 范宏振(第一作者)邹义壮(通讯作者) | Archives of clinical neuropsychology | 2018 | 10.1093/arclin/acy016 | 1.59 |
12 | Suicidal behaviour among children and adolescents in China | 安静(并列第一作者) | Lancet Child Adolesc Health | 2018:2(8) | 551-553 | 无 |
13 | Prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses in individuals who die by suicide or attempt suicide in China based on independent structured diagnostic interviews with different informants | 童永胜(第一作者) | Journal of Psychiatric Research | 2018:98 | 30-38 | 4 |
14 | Prevalence and clinical-demographic correlates of hyperhomocysteinemia in inpatients with bipolar disorder in a Han Chinese population | 周双桨 张立刚(并列第一作者)王绍礼 陈景旭(通讯作者) | Psychiatry Research | 2018:256 | 354-359 | 2.223 |
15 | Quantitative DNA Methylation Analysis of DLGAP2 Gene using Pyrosequencing in Schizophrenia with Tardive Dyskinesia: A Linear Mixed Model Approach | 李艳丽(第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) | Scientific Reports | 2018:8(1) | 17466 | 4.122 |
16 | Risk factors for amyloid positivity in older people reporting significant memory concern | 张向阳(通讯作者) | Comprehensive psychiatry | 2018:80 | 126-131 | 2.128 |
17 |
Decreased Gray Matter Volume of Cuneus and Lingual Gyrus in Schizophrenia Patients with Tardive Dyskinesia is Associated with Abnormal Involuntary Movement |
于婷 李艳丽(并列第一作者)谭云龙(通讯作者) | scientific reports | 2018:8(1) | 12884 | 4.1 |
18 |
Association between hyperuricemia and metabolic syndrome in patients suffering from bipolar disorder |
陈景旭 陈红梅(并列第一作者)杨甫德(通讯作者) | BMC Psychiatry | 2018:18(1) | 390 | 2.419 |