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2016-07-15 来源:未知
序号 第一作者 通信作者 论著题目 刊名 年、卷、期
1 童永胜 童永胜 DSM-IV axis II personality disorders and suicide and attempted suicide in China British Journal of Psychiatry 2015,107(5)
2 Zhang XY Zhang XY Interaction of BDNF with cytokines in chronic schizophrenia Brain, behavior, and immunity 2015
3 范丰梅/张向阳 张向阳 Extensive white matter abnormalities and clinical symptoms in first episode and drug-naïve schizophrenia: a voxel-based diffusion tensor imaging study The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2015年1月接收
4 陈景旭 张向阳 Adjunctive aripiprazole in the treatment ofrisperidone-induced hyperprolactinemia:A randomized, double-blind,placebo-controlled, dose-response study Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015, 58
5 陈大春、张向阳 张向阳 Glucose disturbances in first-episode drug-naïve schizophrenia:Relationship to psychopathology Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015,64 
6 Hui-Mei An & Yun-Long Tan Xiang Yang Zhang Altered IL-2, IL-6 and IL-8 serum levels in schizophrenia patients with tardive dyskinesia Schizophrenia Research 2015,162(1-3)
7 陈大春、张向阳 Zhang XY A functional polymorphism in the interleukin-1beta and severity of nicotine dependence in male schizophrenia: a case-control study Journal of psychiatric research 2015.64
8 Zhang XY Zhang XY Smoking and BDNF Val66Met polymorphism in male schizophrenia: a case-control study Journal of psychiatric research 2015(60)
9 李艳丽/谭云龙 张向阳 Increased interleukin-2 serum levels were associated with psychopathological symptoms and cognitive deficits in treatment-resistant schizophrenia Schizophrenia Research 2015Nov5
10 Zhang XY Zhang XY BDNF polymorphisms are associated with schizophrenia onset and positive symptoms. Schizophrenia research 2015
11 Wu JQ Zhang XY Altered BDNF is correlated to cognition impairment in schizophrenia patients with tardive dyskinesia. Psychopharmacology 2015,232(1)
12 Lv MH Zhang XY Decreased serum TNF-alpha levels in chronic schizophrenia patients on long-term antipsychotics: correlation with psychopathology and cognition Psychopharmacology 2015,232(1)
13 Zhang XY Zhang XY Effects of cigarette smoking and alcohol use on neurocognition and BDNF levels in a Chinese population. Psychopharmacology 2015
14 Zhang XY Zhang XY Association of the manganese superoxide dismutase gene Ala-9Val polymorphism with age of smoking initiation in male schizophrenia smokers Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 2015
15 Hui-Mei An & Yun-Long Tan Xiang Yang Zhang Beneficial effects of EGb761 and vitamin E on haloperidol-induced
vacuous chewing movements in rats: Possible involvement of S100B
Behavioural Brain Research 2,016,297
16 Shuping Tan, Yanli Zhao Yizhuang Zou, Dongfeng Zhou Brain Correlates of Self-Evaluation Deficits inSchizophrenia: A Combined Functional and Structural MRI Study PLOS One 2015.10(9)
17 朱小林 李新旺  Effects of spatial memory on morphine CPP and locomotor sensitization in mice physiology & behavior 2015, 149
18 修梅红 张向阳 Increased IL-3 serum levels in chronic patients with schizophrenia: Associated with psychopathology. Psychiatry Res. 229(1-2):
19 李先宾、李启永 王传跃 Childhood traumaas sociates with clinical features of schizophrenia in  a sample of Chinese inpatients Psychiatry Research 228(2015)
20 张保华 huang xu feng Gender differences in sxhizophrenia with and without diabetes Comprehensive psychiatry 2015 63(11)
21 Wu JQ Zhang XY Mn-superoxide dismutase activity is associated with orofacial involuntary movements in schizophrenia patients with tardive dyskinesia. Human psychopharmacology 2015(30):1
22 Shuping Tan Yizhuang Zou, Dongfeng Zhou Group cognitive remediation therapy for chronic schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial. Neuroscience letters 2015.8
23 Zhu XL Wang XQ The effects of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on negative symptoms of schizophrenia and the follow-up study. Neuroscience letters 2015(584)
24 赵荣江   Probing the Serotonin Transporter Availability Among Male Cigarette Smokers :A SPET Study with [123I] ADAM addiction Medicine 2015年12期(12月底前见刊)
25 刘艳红 司天梅 Is early onset in major depression a predictor of specific clinical features with more impaired social function? A large cross-sectional study in Asia.  Chin Med J(Eng)  2015. 128: 
26 闫少校 闫少校 Studies on the differences of anti-depressant activities of four flavonoids isolated from Apocynum venetum leaf and their possible mechanisms Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2015年12期(12月底前见刊)
27 辛立敏 司天梅 Risk Factors for Anxiety in Major Depressive Disorder Patients Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci. 2015年第13卷3期
28 Li Hui 张向阳 Possible association between DBH 19 bp insertion/deletion
polymorphism and clinical symptoms in schizophrenia
with tardive dyskinesia
J Neural Transm (2015) 122:907–914  
29 Mei Han Xu Feng Huang, Cognitive differences in schizophrenia on long-term
treatments with clozapine, risperidone and typical
International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2015, 30:89–95  
30   田莉 Association of brain immune genes with social
behavior of inbred mouse strains
Journal of Neuroinflammation (2015) 12:75  
31 Li Hui, 张向阳 Association of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism
with schizophrenia and depressive symptom severity in a Chinese
Hum. Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2015; 30: 100–107  
32 辛衍涛 Yantao Xin* Comparison of hospital medical waste generation rate based
on diagnosis-related groups
Journal of Cleaner Production 100 (2015) 202e207  
33 尤东   Characterization of Nerve and Microvessel
Damage and Recovery in Type 1 Diabetic
Mice After Permanent Femoral Artery
Journal of Neuroscience Research 93:1451–1461 (2015)  
34 Li Hui, 张向阳 TCF4 gene polymorphism is associated with cognition in patients with
schizophrenia and healthy controls
Journal of Psychiatric Research 69 (2015) 95e101  
35 Lawrence H. Yang;
 Michael R. Phillips;
 Xianyun Li
  Marriage outcome and relationship with urban versus rural
context for individuals with psychosis in a population-based study
in China
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol (2015) 50:1501–1509  
36   张向阳 Relationship of impulsivity and depression during early
methamphetamine withdrawal in Han Chinese population
Addictive Behaviors 43 (2015) 7–10  
37   张向阳 The analysis of BDNF gene polymorphism haplotypes and impulsivity in
methamphetamine abusers
Comprehensive Psychiatry 59 (2015) 62–67  
38 Lufeng Hu1,王帆   Prediction of liver injury using the BP-ANN model with metabolic parameters in overweight and
obese Chinese subjects
Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(8):13359-13364  
39   LiTian Differentialexpressionofbrainimmunegenesand
Psychiatry Research226(2015)211–216  
40 Li Hui, 张向阳 Obesity correlateswithfewersymptoms
in schizophreniatreatedwithlong-term
clozapine: Genderdifference
Psychiatry Research225(2015)741–742 Letter to the Editor
41 左俊玲 罗星光 A New Genomewide AssociationMeta-Analysis of Alcohol
August 2015

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