Beijing HuiLongGuan Hospital is a Third-level First-class psychiatric hospital, directly affiliated to Beijing Municipal Health Bureau. It is also one of three largest psychiatric hospitals in China, the teaching hospital of Peking University and the China-France Friendship hospital. The hospital has totally 147543 square meters of floor space, a bed capacity of 1369, and is currently a leading psychiatric hospital in clinical care, medical teaching and research in China.
The hospital has the following departments: the general psychiatry, the clinical psychology, the Geriatric psychiatry, the physical diseases, the TCM- Western Medicine, the Psycho-rehabilitation, the Forensic Psychiatry, the Social work, the Psychiatric Research Center, and the Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center etc. Both the Chinese Psychiatry Online, supported by the Chinese Society of Psychiatry, and the suicide research in the Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center, both of which were found in our hospital have a leading position in China.
Among the 1200 full-time employees in the hospital, there are 80 psychiatric experts who provide outstanding medical care and education, with advanced qualification, 55 with doctoral and master degrees. The hospital carries out the function of medical care, education, scientific research, preventative medicine and rehabilitation. The hospital is equipped with many advanced equipments of automatic biochemistry analyzer, HPLC, Color Doppler, large X-ray machine, Computer X-ray photography machine, 24-hour Holter, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure machine, transcranial magnetic stimulator, sleep electroencephalogram and evoked brain potential systems, eye-movement test systems, brain function biofeedback system, modified electroconvulsive instruments,cognitive remediation therapy system (CRT) and etc,which can be used to provide auxiliary examinations and non-drug therapy services for psychiatric patients.
Not only does the hospital provide high-quality medial care and clinical services for patients, it is also the base for psychiatry residents in Beijing and the teaching hospital for undergraduate, and post-graduate from many institutions, such as Peking University, Institute of Psychology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, North China Coal Medical College, Changzhi Medical College in Shangxi province, Beijing Nursing School and Haidian Nursing School and etc. In 1996, continued medical education (CME) program got started in the hospital. Since then, 46 CME programs have been hold.
In order to improve scientific research level of our hospital, the Psychiatric Research Center was established in early 2008, which includes the following labs: Biological Psychiatry Lab, Psychopharmacology Lab, Neurophysiology Lab,Network Psychiatry Lab,Clinical Psychology Lab, Psychiatric Epidemiology Lab, Psycho-Rehabilitation Lab, Geriatric Psychiatry Lab, traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine Lab and etc. Even since, a lot of modernized large-scale research facilities have been purchased for the Center, including Biolab-PCR, ABI7900-Real Time PCR instrument, Gradient PCR instrument, Multifunctional Enzyme-labeling measuring instrument, UV spectrophotometer, Chemoluminescence Gel Imaging System, ESA-542 HPLC,SR-HLAB Startle Reflex Testing System, Fluorescence microscope, and Analytical Balances and etc. All together, 42 scientific-technology awards have been granted by the National Ministry of Public Health and the Beijing Scientific and Technological Committee. At the present, 54 research projects supported by the grants from the National Ministry of Public Health, andthe Beijing City together with 10 projects supported by the foreign grants are being performed inthe Center. More than 40 papers havebeen published in the international journals, with the total impact factors of 120. Psychological Computerized Tomoscan (PCT), invented in our hospital has won 2 the national patents. In addition, the Chinese Association of Music Therapy, the Chinese Psychological Association for the disable and the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine are attached to the hospital.